Thursday, June 23, 2011


He was the man with a brown guitar
who sang about love.
She was his lone audience
with a wine glass in her hand.
His slender fingers tuned the guitar,
as he began a song that was on her mind.
With the sound of his guitar and the wine,
she drowned the grief that she carried in her heart....

The shadows grew longer,
the sky turned an orange hue.
Her glass needed a refill,
He needed a song.
"One more time," she whispered,
as he smiled at her across the table....

When the night fell upon the city
and when the room was flooded by starlight,
she shut her eyes and forced a yawn.
"I am tired," said she.
"Just this one," said he.....

She slept to the sound of his guitar,
his song making love to her mind,
to the tune she had heard over a million times.

She dreamed about the lush green meadow atop a silent hill,
And there she saw him standing,
he was hard to miss-
The man with the brown guitar. 


  1. Nice One .. I understand this one atleast !!!

  2. ma lie pura doubt toh maan maan nai ek jana sita pyaar bhayo jasto cha; not the same old man hai....the new guy in ur life! hahahahahaha.

  3. @avvan-i wish it were true but no, i have no such luck. as of now, m just creating thoughts with words. but i like the way u think. hahaha!

  4. thank u baini..glad u liked it. much love!

  5. "She slept to the sound of his guitar,
    his song making love to her mind" - love

  6. Beautiful! And i have to agree with the last comment, that was my favourite line too! love love love xxx
