Friday, March 25, 2011



women have this really annoying habit of following a certain pattern in life. especially in matters of the heart-always in matters of the heart. maybe that explains why somebody would repetitively fall for geeks, or jocks or even the bad boys. yes, the good girls have always had a thing for the bad boys. and then there's the fourth kind- the Mr. Unavailable. well, try and google Mr. Unavailable and you'll be mighty shocked at the number of theories that pop up on your screen. there, i admit it, i have googled the term and every time i have reacted in a similar fashion-with an "oh that's so fuckin' true"!!!

here's how a certain site describes a MR. Unavailable: 

"He is the ambiguous, hard to read, very attractive anomaly that sits between a Bad Boy and Mr Nice Guy. Mr Unavailable (or as some refer to him EUM – emotionally unavailable man) is one of the most dangerous men that you could meet and every day his inability to tap into his emotions and into himself has millions of women investing their time and energy into fruitless liaisons with him.
 They have a host of excuses as to why they can’t be as much of a partner as we would like them to be and they blame “timing”, and tell you that “If only things were different, you’d be the perfect girlfriend” but that doesn’t explain why they continue to play havoc with your emotions."

and how we foolishly fall for them, hook, line and sinker-almost always! haven't we read enough books already? seen enough movies to know what from which?

i have repeatedly gotten myself into the territories of Misters Unavailable. more often than not, i have come to terms with it, embraced the truth and moved on. but believe me, every time the hurt has been bigger than the previous one. they are the kind of men you'd love to love. intelligent, smart, sexy, decorous, charming, always saying the right things at the right time, and everything wonderful...they just get to u like  a magnet. they are perfection personified!! and just when you've thought you've neared your "happily ever after" moment, bam!! they change back into their original shape and become their unavailable selves. and suddenly they are sexy no more, they are smart no more, yet, somehow, they refuse to let go off their irresistible charm and you begin to think about them more than ever, to the point of being miserable!! some even lose their self confidence (and sanity in some severe cases) in the healing process...that's the worst kind of after-effect, and its not even funny!!

see, because Mr. unavailable is so smart(read sly), he knows exactly what goes inside a woman's head. besides, no woman is different from the other-we all like similar stuff, including men! a "smart" Mr. Unavailable would know that right? oh. he will tell the sweetest things to you, flatter you left, right and center, give you the royal treatment and even before you know it, he'll be slowly gnawing at your feeble heart, that cold, emotionless bastard!! and when's made enough space for himself, he'll tell you that he ain't ready in the most nonchalant fashion. watcha gonna do then? nothing! absolutely nothing! just sit in some sad little corner and wait for an earth shattering quake to happen, or worse, devise plans in your head to prick the man with needles!! he'd have bled a thousand times in your head, but somewhere far away, he'd be laughing and planning a decoy with victim number next!!!

also because he is so charming. it makes it harder for us to hate him. yes, even after all that heartbreak. but wait...what heartbreak? he never asked us to fall in love with him right? it wasn't like he was our exclusive or vice versa!! RIIIIIIGHT! now it occurs!! damn! where were our brains then? gone straying? but we behaved like we owned him. well, poor us, we were being sincere, too sincere perhaps? maybe not. we were being foolish. and the manipulative thief knew it. except, he didn't care to tell. ofcourse, he'd been waiting for the right time and strike when hot. that's how it works, always. in some cases, the unassuming, mousy bitch never fails to show up beside him. well, she got the ring, remember? and you got nothing to complain about. except, to your friends who are waiting for you with an, "i-told-you-so"!!

with every moment that passes. we become ever more despairing. and even before we know it, there comes another knight in shining armour to rid you off your woes and miseries. oh, he'll listen to us of course, with that sad, upward tilt concerned brows, assuring smile, dark wavy hair and wide open arms. he's smart, sexy, charming...oh wait!!! he's a magnet too!! ring a bell? similar pattern? see, thats what i am talking about:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I thought when love for you died, I should die.
It's dead.  Alone, most strangely, I live on.

~Rupert Brooke

i live on to see longer days without you,
to wander by the brooks, to walk the streets.
i live on to sleep with a broken heart,
and a sad song playing on a loop.
i live on to look at the little things that remind me of you,
your photograph with that infectious smile and wild eyes.
i live on to smell off the dry perfume on your shirt,
the one you wore and left behind.
i live on to fight the urge to hear your voice one last time,
to hear you laugh that vibrant laugh and the way you'd call out my name.
i live on to wait for days to just pass me by as they should,
and the nights, the black, moonless nights.
i live on to wake up the next morning wishing it were a dream,
i live on hoping against hope that you'd fall in love again.