Thursday, May 8, 2014

Of Insomnia

2:00 AM

What is it?

I cannot sleep.
Shut your eyes and think of good things.
What good things?
You know, the ones that make you happy.
I don't know.
How about food? Food makes you happy right?
Not really. I get hungry. And that is even worse.
Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend right?
I don't know.
Oh c'mon, I have heard you speak to him.
Yea, whatever. But don't eavesdrop.

4:00 AM

Hey can I tell you a story? To put you to sleep maybe?
Ok. Go on.
Good. Well I know a girl who stays awake at night and has trouble sleeping...
How original!
Haha! Okay I shall stop. But seriously, what's wrong?
I don't know. I think things...
What things?
Just things. You know,things that might have happened, things that are happening and things that might happen.
That is a lot to think about. Relax. 
I don't know. I am not getting any younger you know...
Yes, but you are getting wiser....I think. 

5:30 AM

Maybe I should do yoga or start running.
Yes, brilliant idea. It'll do you good. You have gotten a bit out of shape lately.
What? Really? But I hardly eat.
You must eat.
Eat what?
Food! Good lord! What is wrong with you!
Yea okay. Balanced diet. Starting next Monday. Promise.
Well, you better! Don't be a procrastinator 
Who said I am?
Do you want me to spell it out for you?
You are pathetic.
So are you!

7:45 AM

Still can't sleep?
What do you think?
You must be stressed out or something.
Stressed about what?
How should I know?
Read a book.
Don't have the time.
Really? You are home all day! 
Don't be so condescending! I am figuring things out for myself. It takes time.
Ok. You know best. 

8:15 AM

Do you want something to eat?
No, thanks.
Green tea perhaps? It'll really enliven your senses.
What are you? An advertiser?
Just saying it is good.
No, I don't want green tea. But thanks for asking.
Ok. I am sleeping now. Bye.
Thank god. Alright. Sleep tight.
I'll come visit tomorrow. Wait for me.
Yea, whatever.