Friday, April 29, 2011

you keep pushing me into that deep abyss of darkness
whoever told you that falling doesn't hurt?
well, step in my shoes and you'll know
that wounds never heal and scars run deep...

Thursday, April 7, 2011



when Scarlet Johannson (woot, woot!!) scorched the screens and when whitney thompson won the coveted ANTM my joys knew no bounds. cut to present , ADELE (at the risk of sounding gay, i must admit that i love her much!!) scores just as fine with people as the skinny bunch prior her entry into the music industry. and now we have an entire fraternity celebrating the THICK per se. a fashion house even as much as went ahead to include an entire team of real, curvy women in their next photo shoot!! joyous indeed. Nicole Kidman and Cameroon Diaz once famously said that they'd prefer curves because that's more beautiful. Kidman said that she had a boy's body and that she'd much rather have J.Lo's curves. Diaz, on the other hand commented that she wanted to be a big fleshy woman  with a big bum!!! also, i love history and history loved curves (courtesy-renaissance figures)!!! score!! :D

aw-rite. here's a thought. how much is too much? i wish i knew. how many of us have stopped tracks midway and stared at the gorgeous porcelain skin models with bodies to die for donning the covers of some fashion magazines? chances are all of us have with a self-loathing soon after. ever thought that if all the pretty clothes are made for skinny women in magazines, then what will the  REAL women wear? i mean c'mon, nobody looks like that!! the beauty mags have contributed a great deal to my eye-sore. oh I've lapped up the gloss completely only to sulk and feel miserable later. ever wondered what they eat or don't eat? ever had that urge to lay your hands on jennifer hudson's (yea, the flab-to-fab chic from "DREAMGIRLS" and some such) diet chart? oh i have!! not just her but all those yum-mums who drop pounds at the drop of a hat! damn those fashion magazines. they lie much. :|

JUST FOR THE RECORD, I HATE GYMMING OR ANY FORM OF WORK-OUT!! and yes, every time i see a cookery show on t.v. i go MAD!!!

honestly, I've never fallen into the heavy category, like ever. but ya, I've had issues, and dietary moments. who doesn't? i EAT-like a scratch that. i USED TO eat a lot. my pre-teens and teen years were religiously devoted to the sustenance of various kind-good, bad, mild, rough anything and everything. well, growing up away from home and family made me a despairingly hungry and angry  kid!! perhaps i was god's favorite child then, i never gained an ounce. and it didn't matter much to me. there was nobody who would give a flying fuck about whether i was fat or not. and then college happened. with college, interaction(read boys) happened. and as fate would have it i began to grow gradually-slowly at first and rapidly thereafter. no sillykins, not height or anything(aaah! i wish!!) i meant weight-wise (again, not the wisdom kind). it was cool at first. so i stuffed my face with sorry substitute for food (read greasy, cold, fat-inducing canteen food. period.) at any given opportunity. and of course, the inevitable happened. the initial coolness-ish attitude grew into panic attacks as i realized that I'd stopped fitting into my skinnies!!! oh!! the horror of horrors when i had to replace my size 3-4 with a size 12(later 14) garb!! depression of the highest order as i drowned myself in a sack and clothes meant for the maternity ward! true story. and it didn't just end there. i could disguise the porky in an ill-fitting garb but the face only became wider and there was no stopping my binging habits. I'd grow tired after climbing a flight of ten stairs, i couldn't get myself to walk even half a mile and breathing was strenuous cuz, I'd spend out easily. i knew i was in deep shit then. and just when i thought the shit couldn't get any deeper, the hemlines grew shorter!!!! I'd see girls my age walking around in itsiest and bitsiest of shorts and skirts and harbor a jealous rage against them bonies!! I'd say proudly that 'FAT WAS THE NEW THIN' and that shorts was the anti-thesis of being womanly!! yep, you guessed it right, the sour grapes syndrome. of course, all that was untrue.

just so you know, i still don't advocate reed-thin cuz i know how horribly wrong that can go. but being heavy was doing no good to my system cuz i wasn't built like that. everybody has a certain body type that you have to adhere to. and there's this whole equation involving BMI (meh!!)and all that jazz which is too mathematically complex for me to even calculate. i supposedly have a high metabolic rate and therefore putting on extra pounds is like a rare phenomenon for me no matter how large a meal i eat. so when my binging bouts categorically increased, my weight started fluctuating. i have a family history of diabetes and high blood pressure. so that got me worried at first. having a doctor dad kept me perpetually reminded of all the potential heart-related ailments that may or may not occur if i didn't watch the weigh-scale.

being an Indian and that too of the north-eastern variety, its almost impossible to part with our daily staple of rice and meat. we love our platter(god bless India!!:DD) and refusing a meal is still considered a social taboo in some parts of our country. i particularly remember a wedding ceremony where i was being served the second time. feigning modesty i politely refused; instantaneously followed by the retributive justification that still rings clear in my ears: "aww...just a little. i know you ain't shy when it comes to food! you were such an eater earlier!!" thus the ginormous helping was served. somewhere, the chubby in me was beaming!!

well, that's that. I'm not a health expert or anything  but today, i am proud of my body. and even though like all my other non-veg-lovin' fraternity i still believe that  "chappati" and vegan should be banned for life, i watch my platter and i know when to stop. thankfully I've recovered my former-size self, along with curves thrown in here and today i rest comfortably between anything from sizes 8-10. i also know that fasting for one day doesn't kill you. rather, it detoxifies your system. and if you get too hungry to eat, well, what are liquids for then? works like magic!! also, binging is not a solution to any of your problems. it only adds more to them. oh and btw, dieting is so passe so give it a rest already!! therefore, what i am implying here is eat but only when you are really hungry, not because you have nothing better to do. cuz you know why.........?

"There's no better dressing than meat on bones."- REAL WOMEN HAVE CURVES

there used to be a sign board on the roads back home, I'd seen, that read : "danger zone. curves ahead". i guess now i understand the metaphorical implication of this "not at all inappropriate" line!! (laugh-out-loud) 

so, eat, drink, be merry, stay happy, stay fit and cultivate those curves you got. cuz damn, girl, you so sexy like that, yo!! :DDD